One of the things I most struggle with is nap scheduling – do I stick to a strict or relaxed schedule? So far I’ve done the former unless it’s absolutely impossible. Sienna generally gets put down for her nap between 1 and 2 pm and she’ll sleep anywhere from 45 minutes to 3+ hours. I’m always nervous when I have to break the schedule, and that fear is one of the reasons I’ve missed a number of NYC Dads Group meetups that I wouldn’t have minded attending. I’ve noticed at a number of the meetups I’ve gone to a number of dads take off early because it’s nap-time, but they have the luxury of living in Manhattan while I live in Queens, so it’s a bit of a production for me to go, and since I live close to the LIRR, I can’t just hop on the subway and be home in 20 minutes.
I bring this up for a couple of reasons. First, my parents decided to pay for Sienna to attend a couple of classes for her 1st birthday, something which Elaine and I have yet to take advantage. There’s a class at the Alley Pond Environmental Center (APEC) beginning on Wednesday, September 11th at 3:30 which is right smack in the middle of Sienna’s nap-time. The class description is as follows: “Open up the world of nature to your wee ones! Let your child’s first learning experience be at APEC. Children will pet animals, enjoy free play with environmental toys, go on mini-nature walks and have a snack.” It sounds perfect, especially because APEC is walking distance from out apartment, but I’ve hedged for weeks about signing Sienna up because I’m so anxious about screwing up napping. I just don’t know what to do. Should I move lunch up an hour and put her down from 12-1 and hope she wakes in time? Should I put her down at the normal time and wake her up for class? Should I not sign her up at all and instead find something that fits her schedule? On and on and on go the questions, pestering me to no end and making me more and more apprehensive. It’s only 1 day a week, right? Why am I frightened about this?
In addition to worrying about the APEC class, the NYC Dads Group announced a meetup at Citifield where Sienna would have the chance to meet Elmo and, much more importantly, Cookie Monster. Sienna LOVES Cookie Monster and meeting him in the fur would blow her mind!

Sienna’s all smiles holding a Cookie Monster bath thingy. She saw it in the supermarket and yelled, “Cookie!!!!” Elaine gave her the choice of Elmo or Cookie and Sienna immediately chose the latter…that’s my girl!
The meetup begins at 12:30 (Sienna’s lunch time) and extends through the Mets game which begins at 1:10. It costs $29 and includes meeting Cookie Monster and Elmo, pictures, a seat at the game, a hot dog, and a drink. I’d LOVE for Sienna to meet Cookie Monster, but I don’t want to pay the money if we don’t stay for the game, even if it is the Mets (I’d love for Sienna’s 1st baseball game to be at Yankee Stadium, but she could wear her Jeter shirt and I have to admit, my 1st game was at Shea…I even remember the pitcher – Pat Zachary…and I wound up a Yankee fan lol). Is it wise to take a 17-month-old to a ballgame? She’d have to completely forgo her nap.
What should I do? Am I thinking too much about this? Should I sign her up for the class? Should I take her to meet Cookie Monster? Do I need to learn to be more flexible when it comes to naps? How do I learn to be lessen my anxiety about nap scheduling?
I just want to do what’s best for my little girl
August 31, 2013 at 8:11pmSkip the classes for now, wait til she’s older. From my own experience, my kid’s nap was not just for him but for me too. Sometimes I was so mentally and physically tired since I was the stay at home parent and I needed him to take that nap. We both needed it! 😉 She will let you know when she no longer needs/wants those naps, but she’s still too little for that.
Re: Cookie Monster, it’s a one time thing, go for it. She’ll love the meetup!
Don’t worry about missing some of the dads’ meetings; you’re doing great. All she really loves is doing things, anything with her beloved daddy. From what I hear, she loves her daddy to the stars and back 🙂
Lorne Jaffe
September 2, 2013 at 8:59pmThanks as always, M! Still not sure of the class. Ballgame’s def out. Prob gonna try and find a morning class because I do think Sienna needs some extra stimulation and socializing, but I’m def struggling w/ it!
September 2, 2013 at 12:07amHi Lorne:
I struggled with this issue as well…nap or take baby out to see the world and socialize. At the end of the day, sleepy babies don’t enjoy the experience as much as we’d like to think. Because of this I’ve delayed signing my son up for many good classes or missed going on playdates. I just try to plan around and make do for now. They will have many opportunities in the not so distant future! Good Luck!
Lorne Jaffe
September 2, 2013 at 8:58pmThanks Gigi! I think the ballgame’s def out. Still on the fence about the class just because it’s walking distance, but leaning away from it. Glad I’m not the only one who’s been confused and worried about this whole nap thing!