Just a few minutes ago I learned that Adrian Peterson’s 2-year-old son has died from head trauma – non-accidental head trauma – injuries allegedly caused by domestic abuse at the hands of his mother’s boyfriend in his mother’s boyfriend’s home. It didn’t matter that Adrian Peterson is the star running back for the Minnesota Vikings. It didn’t matter that Peterson takes home millions of dollars, nearly broke the single season rushing record last season, and won the league’s MVP. Despite all his strength and skill and money, Peterson couldn’t save his boy from the violent hands of one person, a trusted person (at least by the boy’s mother) though the man had had domestic abuse issues in the past. The news hit me like a ‘roided up linebacker.
It’s been said that the loss of a child is the worst pain a person can feel. It’s something I nearly experienced a few weeks ago during Sienna’s choking episode, something I hope to never, ever have to deal with. I can’t imagine what Peterson’s going through right now. His son was only six months older than Sienna, the most precious thing in my life aside from Elaine. How can someone physically assault a child? It’s something I’ll never understand. I can barely slap Sienna’s hand when she’s in a troublemaking mood without feeling terrible about myself.
The news of Peterson’s loss also reminded one of the reasons why I’m a stay-at-home dad – both Elaine and I know that our daughter’s in safe hands. Soon enough that time will pass. Sienna, like most kids, will be off to school and could become prey to a violent or sexually depraved teacher or neighbor or fellow student or untrustworthy family member (thankfully I don’t have any of those to my knowledge) or complete stranger. Soon enough I won’t be able to protect her as well as I can now. For all I know she might one day walk into a store and encounter a supposedly friendly owner who turns out to be a sexual predator similar to that “Diff’rent Strokes” episode when Arnold (Gary Coleman) and Dudley (Shavar Ross) went into that infamous bike shop. And don’t even mention social network stalking. I can’t fathom that right now. I can’t fathom any of this. Peterson’s son was just 2 years old and he was allegedly beaten to death by someone he probably trusted. 2 years old. And despite being exceedingly wealthy and celebrated, his father could do nothing but receive the news no parent wants to hear.
I’ve never felt luckier to be a stay-at-home dad than I do right now. My heart bleeds for Adrian Peterson and his family.