A Pic To Give Myself a Break

15 mo bellybutton

I’ve been trying to keep to writing every other day, but today was exceptionally tough and I’m staggering over words in my head. So above is a pic to remind myself one of the major reasons why I take on difficult situations like today’s and why I need to keep fighting (and stop chastising myself over not reconstructing everything immediately), and of coure, the pic is for your enjoyment as well. As my friend told me earlier, “Give yourself a break, Lorne!”

4 thoughts on “A Pic To Give Myself a Break

  1. Permalink  ⋅ Reply


    July 11, 2013 at 3:27am

    hi Lorne! For what is worth, I think your blog writing has been fabulous. You are, right now, a great writer and I have enjoyed your insights and how brave you have been putting your thoughts out there for the world! I really liked your James Gandolfini post – gave me a whole new insight on how people who are familiar with therapy watched the show. Your posts on parenting will help parents who are struggling with the same issues and have reminded me how far Oscar and I have come…mistakes and all 🙂 Keep it up!

    • Permalink  ⋅ Reply

      Lorne Jaffe

      July 12, 2013 at 7:41pm

      Thx Danielle!

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    July 11, 2013 at 6:31am

    That smile is what it’s all about!!!:D

    I have always commented to my son that it takes me a whole year to get it just right and THEN!! he has to go and get a year older! which means me starting all over again learning how to be a mom to an older kid. 😉

    Early on, I realized that he and I were learning this whole parent/child thing side by side. We have taught each other many things (though not always intentionally.) I am now learning/grasping how it feels to be the mom of a young adult son and “all that that implies”. You never stop learning, and I am very thankful that I’ve gone through this experience because my son made me deal with and face my extreme timidity, my crippling low/lack of self-esteem and my self-loathing. Most of all, he forced me to take back what had been taken from me- my rights as a person, my voice! I was raised in such a way that only allowed/accepted total submission and that punishment was ever present. Imagine getting punished because you couldn’t finish all your dinner, or because you asked a simple question. I know you can understand how amazingly difficult it is to be the parent your child needs you to be while fighting every urge to bail and go hide under a rock somewhere or worse. I tell my son to this day that I have learned so much from being a parent, more than he’ll ever know. He was the one and only reason I learned how to drive even though I had a hysterical fear of driving. I believe that my son has done an amazing job raising a parent!!! I think I’ve turned out pretty good.:)

    *One very important note, I never made my son feel that he was responsible for me or that it was his job to make/keep me “happy” 24/7 or heal/solve my life. That was a HUGE, sad burden that was placed on me and my sisters and I vowed that I would never do that to my child.
    Con mucho carino para ti Lorne!

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